Fascial Manipulation® Level 1 Course

Backed by substantial scientific research!

Over 10,000 hours of training and 2,500 health professionals trained in over 50 countries each year, who rely on Fascial Minipulation® to improve their training, allowing thousands of patients to enjoy the results of their treatments.

  • Internationally Accepted
  • Scientifically Researched

Why our Fascial Manipulation® Course?

Initially via collaboration with the Anatomy Faculties of the René Descartes University, Paris, France and the University of Padova in Italy and more recently with a host of different collaborations, Dr. Carla Stecco and Dr. Antonio Stecco have carried out extensive research into the anatomy and histology of the fascia via dissection of unembalmed cadavers.

Research Backed

Fascial Manipulation ® is backed by substantial scientific research and you can view the recent article entitled “Fascial Manipulation® for chronic specific low back pain: a single blinded randomized controlled trial” by Branchini et al. by clicking the here.


Fascial Manipulation® is a manual therapy method that has been developed by Luigi Stecco, a physiotherapist from the north of Italy. This method has evolved over the last 40 years through study and practice in the treatment of a vast caseload of musculoskeletal problems.


The Fascial Manipulation® Certification Program is an intensive hands-on series taught by Dr. Antonio Stecco and Francesco Pacenza. It combines theoretical lectures, demonstrations, and practicals throughout each course day.


In-Class Patient

I want to thank Antonio, I didn’t know what to expect. I have been on pain killers for a couple of weeks prior to the treatment. I have MRI scans and have confirmed degenerative issues on my upper spine. I have a trapped nerve that was causing me considerable pain and discomfort on my right arm and neck and I have also been diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both hands but mainly in right hand. The treatment was painful but not overwhelming, quite manageable. After the treatment of about an hour, I had immediate pain relief and with the treatment I felt that my arm and neck area had reduced discomfort stiffness and allowed myself to relax. I had improved movements and very little pain. Following the treatment I was able to stop taking pain killers and managed to get a decent night's sleep. The issue in my neck hasn’t gone away but the symptoms that the issue in my neck was causing have improved considerably. Thanks again.

Neil Hanlon
In-Class Patient
All you need to know

Full Details for the Fascial Manipulation® Level 1 course.

(Remember there's even more info in the FAQ section below)

The mainstay of the Fascial Manipulation manual method lies in the identification of a specific, localised area of the fascia in connection with a specific limited movement. Once a limited or painful movement is identified, then a specific point on the fascia is implicated and, through the appropriate manipulation of this precise part of the fascia, movement can be restored.

Fascial Manipulation® is a manual therapy method that has been developed by Luigi Stecco, a physiotherapist from the north of Italy. This method has evolved over the last 40 years through study and practice in the treatment of a vast caseload of musculoskeletal problems.

It focuses on the fascia, in particular the deep muscular fascia, including the epimysium and the retinacula and considers that the myofascial system is a three-dimensional continuum. Initially via collaboration with the Anatomy Faculties of the René Descartes University, Paris, France and the University of Padova in Italy and more recently with a host of different collaborations, Dr. Carla Stecco and Dr. Antonio Stecco have carried out extensive research into the anatomy and histology of the fascia via dissection of unembalmed cadavers. These dissections have enhanced the pre-existing biomechanical model already elaborated by Luigi Stecco by providing new histological and anatomical data.

This method presents a complete biomechanical model that assists in deciphering the role of fascia in musculoskeletal disorders.

The mainstay of this manual method lies in the identification of a specific, localised area of the fascia in connection with a specific limited movement. Once a limited or painful movement is identified, then a specific point on the fascia is implicated and, through the appropriate manipulation of this precise part of the fascia, movement can be restored.

Fascial Manipulation® is effective in treating the most common conditions therapists see in their practice on a daily basis. Fascial Manipulation ® is backed by substantial scientific research and you can view the recent article entitled “Fascial Manipulation® for chronic specific low back pain: a single blinded randomized controlled trial” by Branchini et al. by clicking the here. This article demonstrates the importance of the pathology of the fascia in a specific low back pain and the effectiveness of Fascial Manipulation® in the reduction of symptoms.

The Fascial Manipulation® Certification Program is an intensive hands-on series taught by Dr. Antonio Stecco and Francesco Pacenza. It combines theoretical lectures, demonstrations, and practicals throughout each course day.

Participants will learn to evaluate musculoskeletal dysfunctions with specific reference to the human fascial system, and to apply the Fascial Manipulation® method as created by Luigi Stecco, PT. Lectures include the anatomy and physiology of the fascial system, an explanation of the biomechanical model used in application of this technique, and the anatomical localisation of key fascial points. Emphasis will be placed on the evaluation of musculoskeletal dysfunctions (from history taking, to a hypothesis, to a verification and treatment) together with a methodology and strategy for treatment.

The complete programme consists of two levels: Level 1 Fascial Manipulation® and Level 2 Fascial Manipulation®. Successful completion of Level 1 is required before attending Level 2. Candidates will be required to complete a multiple choice theory exam at the end of each level.

The Level I Fascial Manipulation® is delivered using a hybrid model with online content taught over an eight week period followed by a three day practicum onsite at the National Training Centre.The course will include the following:

  • basic principles of Fascial Manipulation®, including an introduction to fascial anatomy, and the biomechanical model employed in this method
  • the myofascial units that form the myofascial sequences of the upper limbs, trunk, and the lower limbs in the sagittal and frontal planes will be presented
  • the Assessment Chart used in Fascial Manipulation® will be reviewed in detail
  • physiology of the fascial system and the assessment and treatment of the myofascial units for the upper limbs, trunk, and the lower limbs in the horizontal plane.
  • on completion of the second weekend all participants will be capable of utilising the Assessment Chart for a 3D examination of the human fascial system
  • proficiency in the comparative examination of Centers of Coordination will be stressed, as well as streamlining of treatment strategies
  • multiple choice theory examination to appraise the level of understanding and skill level

Fascial Manipulation® Level I Course Objective

The primary objective is to develop an understanding of the Centers of Coordination (CC) that are responsible for the normal function of related monoarticular and biarticular muscles. By the end of the course, clinicians will:

  • Learn anatomy and physiology of the fascial system
  • Learn how to evaluate myofascial planes: upper and lower extremities, spine
  • Determine functional testing of areas of complaint.
  • Develop skill and understanding to assess abnormal functional findings with fascial points of involvement to restore normal function

The Level II Fascial Manipulation® course will allow participants to expand on their understanding of the biomechanical model to treat patients with multi-segmental dysfunctions more efficiently.

As part of the learning process, Level II students will be required to present Assessment Charts of cases treated after Level I for discussion.

The course will include the following:

  • a focus on the role of Centers of Fusion as part of the biomechanical model and the formation of Myofascial Diagonals
  • elements of comparative anatomy studies will be introduced to assist the evaluation of adaptive compensations within the fascial system
  • the involvement of fascia in motor control will discussed and the Assessment Chart used in Fascial Manipulation® will be updated with new elements
  • introduction to Myofascial Spirals to complete understanding of complex movement patterns and mechanisms and the latest fascial research projects will be presented
  • numerous treatment demonstrations and practice will highlight this course as comparative assessment of Centres of Coordination and Centres of Fusion, Assessment Chart analysis, clinical reasoning, hands-on skills, and treatment strategies will be emphasised

The Fascial manipulation® courses require prior qualification and is open to:

  • physiotherapists 
  • osteopaths
  • medical doctors
  • chiropractors
  • neuromuscular therapists
  • physical therapists
  • sports therapists (BSc)
  • sports medicine practitioners

Other qualifications may meet the eligibility requirements. If your area of expertise is not listed here please contact us on 01 882777 to check eligibility.

Fascial Manipulation® Level I Course is €1,450.00 with an early bird rate of €1,150.00 available for fees paid by April 30th 2025.

Course fees are inclusive of course notes and a copy of the new Fascial Manipulation, Practical part, first level 2018, Second Edition, STECCO LUIGI – STECCO ANTONIO.

A minimum of 10 students must be registered in order for the course to take place.  Students travelling from overseas should not book flights until such time as the course is confirmed. In order to ensure the course takes place, we urge students to book their place by June 30th, 2025.

The science behind Fascial Manipulation ®
By analysing musculoskeletal anatomy, Luigi Stecco realised that the body can be divided into 14 segments and that each body segment is essentially served by six myofascial units (mf units) consisting of monoarticular and biarticular unidirectional muscle fibres, their deep fascia (including epimysium) and the articulation that they move in one direction on one plane. Numerous muscle fibres originate from the fascia itself and, in turn, myofascial insertions extend between different muscle groups to form myofascial sequences. Therefore, adjacent unidirectional myofascial units are united via myotendinous expansions and biarticular fibres to form myofascial sequences.

While part of the fascia is anchored to bone, part is also always free to slide. The free part of the fascia allows the muscular traction, or the myofascial vectors, to converge at a specific point, named the vectorial Centre of Coordination or CC. The location of each CC has been calculated by taking into consideration the sum of the vectorial forces involved in the execution of each movement.

The six movements made on the three spatial planes are rarely carried out separately but, more commonly, are combined together to form intermediate trajectories, similar to the PNF patterns. In order to synchronise these complex movements, other specific points of the fascia (often over retinacula) have been identified and, subsequently, named Centres of Fusion or CF.

More about fascia….
Fascia is formed by undulated collagen fibres and elastic fibres arranged in distinct layers, and within each layer the fibres are aligned in a different direction. Due to its undulated collagen fibres, fascia can be stretched and, thanks to its elastic fibres, it can then return to its original resting state. Given that fascia adapts to muscle stretch, it is unable to transmit force like a tendon or an aponeurosis. If these histological and functional distinctions are not taken into consideration, then one can confuse fascia with aponeuroses or, likewise, confuse the deep fascia with the subcutaneous connective tissue (superficial fascia). Subcutaneous connective tissue forms a very elastic, sliding membrane essential for thermal regulation, metabolic exchanges and the protection of vessels and nerves, whereas the deep fascia envelops the muscles, and surrounds the muscle’s aponeurosis up to where it inserts onto bone.

The above-mentioned anatomical studies have, however, evidenced differences between the deep fascia of the trunk and that of the limbs. The first is formed by three layers, each of which includes or surrounds different muscle groups, namely a superficial layer (latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, external obliques), a middle layer (serratus posterior inferior and superior, iliocostalis) and a deep layer (interspinali, intertraversarii, multifidus, trasversus abdominus). In the limbs, the deep fascia is particularly thick, resembling an aponeurosis, and well organised, connecting and synergizing the muscles of the lower limb via its collagen fibres arranged in sequences and spiral formations.

It is hypothesised, that the richly innervated fascia could be maintained in a resting state of tension due to the different muscular fibres that insert onto it. Due to this optimal resting state, or basal tension, of the fascia, the free nerve endings and receptors within the fascial tissue are primed to perceive any variation in tension and, therefore, any movement of the body, whenever it occurs.

Deep fascia is effectively an ideal structure for perceiving and, consequently, assisting in organising movements. In fact, one vector, or afferent impulse, has no more significance to the Central Nervous System than any other vector unless these vectors are mapped out and given a spatial significance. In human beings, the complexity of physical activity is, in part, determined by the crossover synchrony between the limbs and a refined variability in gestures.

Whenever a body part moves in any given direction in space there is a myofascial, tensional re-arrangement within the corresponding fascia. Afferents embedded within the fascia are stimulated, producing accurate directional information. Any impediment in the gliding of the fascia could alter afferent input resulting in incoherent movement. It is hypothesised that fascia is involved in proprioception and peripheral motor control in strict collaboration with the CNS.

Therapeutic Implications
The fascia is very extensive and so it would be difficult and inappropriate to work over the entire area. The localisation of precise points or key areas can render manipulation more effective. An accurate analysis of the myofascial connections based on an understanding of fascial anatomy can provide indications as to where it is best to intervene. Any non-physiological alteration of deep fascia could cause tensional changes along a related sequence resulting in incorrect activation of nerve receptors, uncoordinated movements, and consequent nociceptive afferents. Deep massage on these specific points (CC and CF) aims at restoring tensional balance. Compensatory tension may extend along a myofascial sequence so myofascial continuity could be involved in the referral of pain along a limb or at a distance, even in the absence of specific nerve root disturbance. In clinical practice, cases of sciatic-like pain and cervicobrachialgia without detectable nerve root irritation are common.

This method allows therapists to work at a distance from the actual site of pain, which is often inflamed due to non-physiological tension. For each mf unit, the area where pain is commonly felt has been mapped out and is known as the Centre of Perception (CP). In fact, it is important to place our attention on the cause of pain, tracing back to the origin of this anomalous tension, or more specifically to the CC and CF located within the deep fascia.

John Sharkey, Clinical Anatomist and NTC Director says…

​​I feel privileged to say that I have worked with Dr. Stecco over many years and on both sides of the Atlantic producing articles and working in the dissection room investigating and exploring human fascia. The Stecco family, father Luigi (Physiotherapist), daughter Carla (Professor of Anatomy) and Antonio (doctor) have contributed to our appreciation and understanding of fascia following years of research resulting in countless papers and studies and a number of historical books on the topic. This unique research and rich understanding of the anatomy of fascia and its role in common painful conditions has led to the development of Fascial Manipulation ®. I am very proud that Dr. Stecco has chosen NTC as the exclusive training provider to deliver this course in Ireland. I strongly endorse the course and encourage therapists of every stripe to participate.

Locations, Schedule and Booking

Information about schedules, locations and start dates for the course

Good Availability


National Training Centre, Dublin 7

Weekend Course

SEPTEMBER 8th 2025
  • Blended Learning
  • 1 Weekend + Online

Meet the Fascial Manipulation® Experts

The course is delivered by the programme team from the Fascial Manipulation Institute of Padova, Italy

Dr. Antonio Stecco

Dr. Antonio Stecco

Dr. Antonio Stecco, MD, PhD, is a Clinical Instructor at Rusk Rehabilitation, New York University, and a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist. In addition to these roles, Dr. Stecco is the President of the Fascial Manipulation Association and a member of the International Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ISPRM).

Dr. Stecco’s primary scientific focus is on the human fasciae, and he examines this tissue from macroscopic, histological, and physio-pathological perspectives. His work has involved over 100 cadaver dissections for research purposes. Since 2007, Dr. Stecco has organised and personally led theoretical-practical courses on the Fascial Manipulation®/STECCO® method on every continent worldwide.

With over 40 published papers on fascia, Dr. Stecco is a prolific author in this field. He has also co-authored three books and contributed chapters to several international books published by Elsevier.

Francesco Pacenza, BSc

Francesco Pacenza, BSc

Francesco Pacenza is a highly accomplished physiotherapist who has an impressive educational background. He earned a Bachelor of Science cum laude in Physiotherapy from the University of Udine and was awarded a scholarship to attend the fourth year of the program at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia.

Francesco’s interest in fascial manipulation began in 2009 when he started studying and practicing this technique. He completed the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level courses, each with different instructors, to improve his clinical and manual skills. Additionally, he has attended several advanced workshops at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level, as well as annual conferences on Fascial Manipulation from 2011-2016. He became a Teacher Assistant in 2013 and has since been actively involved in introducing this technique to other professionals.

Francesco’s expertise in fascial manipulation has also led him to work with several international teachers, holding workshops on the topic in various settings. Notably, he presented at the Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine Conference in March 2013 at Ulm University in Dubai and at the Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in October 2013 in Riyadh.

In 2015, Francesco completed an advanced course of muscle-fascial anatomical dissections with Prof. Carla Stecco at Padua University, earning his first Certificate in the process. Furthermore, in 2016, he completed the Certificate of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy by Manual Concepts and Curtin University in Perth, Australia.

Overall, Francesco’s dedication to his field is apparent in his impressive educational and professional achievements. His expertise in fascial manipulation and his commitment to educating others have made him a highly respected and sought-after professional in the field.

Dr. Carla Stecco

Dr. Carla Stecco

Dr. Carla Stecco is a renowned Orthopedic Surgeon who serves as a Professor of Human Anatomy at the University of Padova. She is a distinguished member of various esteemed associations, including the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology, the European Association of Clinical Anatomy, and the International Academy of Manual Musculoskeletal Medicine.

Dr. Stecco’s scientific work primarily focuses on the study of the anatomy of human fasciae. Her research delves into the macroscopic, histological, and physiopathological aspects of this connective tissue. Dr. Stecco’s extensive knowledge and expertise in this area have made her a leading authority on the subject.

With her commitment to advancing the field, Dr. Stecco has made significant contributions to the scientific community. Her work has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, and she has been invited to speak at various international conferences. Through her research, Dr. Stecco has helped to enhance our understanding of the human body’s intricate fascial network and its role in musculoskeletal health.

Answers at your fingertips

Frequently Asked Questions

The National Training Centre have been delivering respected educational programmes since 1985 and during that time we have had many questions asked by potential students before registration. Here you can find the answers to the questions we receive most often.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us!

Yes. The course is exclusively available to qualified bodywork therapists including:

  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Rolfers
  • Osteopaths
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Certificate Level Neuromuscular Therapists
  • Orthopaedic Sports Massage Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Chiropractors

All applications will be considered on an individual basis.

The practical content for the course is delivered at the National Training Centre at one of our Dublin locations (exact location will be confirmed nearer to the course date).

The online content is delivered by the Fascial Manipulation ® Institute.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us!

Practical classes take place either at NTC or SPORTSCO, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Saturday from 10:30am to 1pm and 2pm to 4:30pm

October 2024 –  12th♦, 19th, 26th
November 2024 – 2nd, 9th, 23rd, 30th
December 2024 – 7th, 14th
January 2025 – 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th♦
February 2025 – 1st, 8th♦, 15th, 22nd
Examinations and/or class will start at 9:30am on dates indicated with ♦

Tuesday and Thursday Evenings from 7pm to 9pm
(Recordings available afterwards)

October 2024 –  15th, 17th, 22nd, 29th, 31st
November 2024 –  5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st, 26th, 28th
December 2024 –  3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th
January 2025 –  7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th


February 2025 – 23rd March 2025 – 1st, 2nd
(Individual and group times will be issued by the NTC examination’s office)

National Qualification in Kettlebell Training

January 19th, 2025 – Sunday from 10:00-17:00

Dates are provisional and, although unlikely, NTC reserve the right to make changes to the timetable if and when necessary
National Training Centre, Dublin
ntc logo wided ark

When did your course begin?

The online portion is conducted on the Fascial Manipulation® online portal

Online Content Available from September 8th 2025

The onsite portion is delivered at NTC

October 24th 2025 – 8:30am to 6pm
October 25th 2025 – 9am to 6pm
October 26th 2025 – 9am to 6pm

Note: A minimum of 10 students must be registered in order for the course to take place. Students travelling from overseas should not book flights or accommodation until such time as the course is confirmed. In order to ensure the course takes place, we urge students to book their place by June 30th, 2025.
Dates are provisional and, although unlikely, NTC reserve the right to make changes to the timetable if and when necessary
ntc logo wided ark